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What To Expect

Visiting a Church can be a new experience:

“What should I wear? Will people speak to me? Will I find a seat? Is there something for my kids?“

Maybe you are returning to church, or coming to church for the very first time. You may feel like people are watching you or maybe that people will judge you. “Will the preacher condemn me from the stage?” “Will people judge me if I look differently than they do?”

A few tips to help you when you visit Spirit & Truth:

  • We do our best to make your visit to our church a pleasant one. We know finding a new church can be a difficult thing to figure out, so please come just as you are.

  • Feel free to come casual or dressy. We have no dress code – whatever makes you comfortable is great with us.

  • Sit anywhere you like, there are no assigned seats.

  • Beware of friendly people – someone WILL speak to you.

  • The sermons are designed to be relevant to life and spiritually encompassing. You just might learn something!

  • We are not after your money! Guests are encouraged to enjoy the visit with NO obligation to give.

  • We are not a perfect church, but we strive to have a heart for people from all walks of life.


We would love to see you this Sunday at 10:00 AM

"No perfect people allowed"

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