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Spanish ministry

As my family and I settled in upstate NY, and after some time searching for a Spirit-filled Bible based church, a family member told me of a church he heard about on 95.9 FM Christian station. We drove one Sunday to Spirit and Truth Christian Assembly in West Oneonta. As we entered and were greeted by the ushers who led us to the sanctuary, something was stirring inside of me. We heard the worship and joined in. The freedom to praise the Lord and the anointing of the Holy Spirit engulfed us and when the pastor started preaching this uplifting and encouraging message, proper use and interpretation of scripture… YES; this is where the Lord wants us.

Through years of ups and downs in our lives, there grew a hunger to share the gospel wherever we were in English and in Spanish, in the stores, at work, in every opportunity praying for people. We were growing in the Lord (and still growing); being stretched, challenged and mentored by the pastor and the teaching of the word, helping in whatever the Lord needed us for, whether cleaning after an activity, helping with the worship team, children's ministry... wherever it was.

My wife Carmen and I along with others who spoke Spanish felt to get together and have a Spanish service. We brought it up to pastor Mitch and he asked us to start a Spanish ministry.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the support and help of pastor Mitch, and sister Rose, along with many others, this Spanish ministry ‘ Ministerio Cristiano Espiritu y Verdad de West Oneonta “ was started in September of 2021.

Our vision and goal is to preach, teach, mentor, and disciple God's people by reaching out to the needy. We want to impact and help lives, families, and to transform the community in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, being obedient to the commission Jesus Christ put before us.



Pastor William Vega


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